My friend told me I should blog.
Here is my blog. He said that I could write entertaining provocative things that would interest strangers.
Here is my blog. He thinks that bloggin would help me be a better writer.
Here is my blog. He inspired me to blog because of his blog.
Here is my blog. Stream of consciouness is good.
Here is my blog. Not knowing whom you are talking to.
Here is my blog. Telling secrets to the world and knowing they'll never tell.
Here is my blog. Documenting a fractured tale of my own life.
Here is my blog. I want to be a "Blogger".
Here is my blog. I like typing on my computer.
Here is my blog. Blogging is a good way to pass the time?
Here is my blog. I will write my blog in my bedroom.
Here is my blog. All I am currently wearing is my bedsheet.
Here is my blog. When I die, this will still be here.
Here is my blog.(Insert Picture of My Blog)
Here is my blog.