Friday, June 08, 2007

Beauty and Desire Has No Gender

No matter what you pronoun you use, they are beautiful.

Sitting on the subway, I watched as the young -person- got onto the train. They were at least six feet tall. Well muscled. They had alabaster smooth skin. Deep big eyes. A ball cap circled their head. A white tank top, covered in black grease stains, held tightly to their torso, accentuating either developed pectoral muscles or small breasts, I couldn't tell which. The tank top revealed toned muscled biceps though. From their hips draped a pair of cargo pants, highlighting a small but round ass. A hammer hung from their belt loop, almost seeming stereotypical. I stared as they stood. Just stood. But with an air of confidence to the point of machissmo, maybe even arrogance. He was definitely masculine.

It took a moment of staring for me to entertain the idea that this beautiful body maybe a she, not a he. If I see a body that inspires desire, I immediately assume it must be male. This was an exception. Then it occurred to me that this person maybe transgendered, in between being a he and she. What parts did they have?

I was definitely attracted to this body, but could I have sex with that body if that body had a vagina? Still enamoured with this beauty in the underground, I easily convinced myself that I could indeed have sex with them, even if they are a woman. They were definitely masculine enough, and apparently, that's what matters. At least to me.

I was definitely attracted to this body, but would I be attracted to their personality? How much would their gender influence my perception of who they are as a person? Maybe it isn't the female body that I don't sexually desire, but the female personality, if there is such a thing.
Is it cultural or biological?

No matter if it is cultural or biological. That body, the body on the subway, was beautiful.
It still haunts me.


Anonymous said...

I like your postings when you tell us a story. This one was great. Reminds me of the boy in Europe tale. The word alabaster is over-used. Why not find your own poetic ways of describing white.

karlbaldauf said...


karlbaldauf said...

I usually find that the hottest men are actually women.

Anonymous said...

But you like boys, don't you? I think you have fantasies of being a heterosexual.

The ArtofBeingMe said...

i find this very interesting. but then, what if there is a lesbian with a beautiful, almost herculean body and an incredibly masculine personality? do you have sex with her?

Warrior Princesse Alathariel said...

you said it in the title, beauty has no gender. Nor does desire. Think "there is no spoon."

karlbaldauf said...

No, "I am what I am and what I am is"
a homomo. But, when I'm off at these indie gay clubs that invite both bellas and bellos I find the ones that catch my eye quickest usually end up being women on closer inspection.

Warrior Princesse Alathariel said...

you can say what i am is a homomo, but... maybe identity, relationships, orientation and commitment have gender preferences, but desire and beauty do not.