Dolly Parton is Fabulous. I say "Fabulous" in the gay sense of the word; she is camp, outrageous, larger than life, and entertaining. First off, she has an accent - THE ACCENT. She actually said "Gee-tar" and "thee-ay-ter". I thought that the southern drawl was a stereotype and that it was subtler and less offensive. Not on Dolly! Secondly, she called the Jolene (the girl that tried to steal her husband from the song of the same name) a "Shameless Hussy!. Thirdly, she is very funny. For instance, whenever she talked on stage, she had a cough. "I am singing from my diaphram," she says to the audience," with this cough, maybe I should be talking from my I. U. D." She is wonderfully wholesome, innocent without being naive, and a joy to watch. More on Dolly later!
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