Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Plague of Purpose

In the current cultural paradigm, we are guided to pursue success in the form of a satisfying, high paying career. I think it is reasonal to desire success manifested as such. (Note: Even here I propose that it is a "reasonable" desire)
I am even more fortunate and have been able to conclude (with as much certainty as anyone can conclude anything) that my career gives me a sense of purpose in this world. Many people are not as fortunate of finding a "purpose" as I have been, especially finding a purpose that conincides with ones career. I feel I should treasure my revelation and not abuse the impetus that gives direction to my life.
Yet, I also desire to travel and study abroad, which ulitmately have a minor, indirect influence upon my career/purpose. I fear that by doing so I will botch the career momentum I have acquired thus far, and be forced to start back at nothing upon my return from a year in Europe. But this maybe be the only time I am able to take advantage of the opportunity of studying abroad. I can come up with no logical or reasonable reason why I should go abroad other than the fact "I want to."
The fact that "I want to" should be sufficient to confirm my decision to study abroad, but in the face of such logical arguments that support career advancements, it seems impulsive, rash, and unappealing.
I conclude that purpose can limit freedom, but only if I let it. Maybe it is the idea of career that is limiting. Purpose is fulfilling, but restricting that purpose into a career is limiting. I am no longer autonomous. I must consider how I relate to a select group of others by the choices I make. These people could hire me someday...
If only I didn't know what I wanted to do with my life. Ignorance is bliss...
What to do? What to do?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

dear bedroom prince,
my advice to you is to go live. your career will take care of itself...if what you really desire right now and what will give you purpose is to study abroad...then will return with a whole new set of experiences and perspectives that can only help your career...go to what drives you...follow your can't go wrong...'it's the fear of what happens after the doing that makes the doing difficult' (angels in america...)