Monday, October 10, 2005


Thanksgiving: I give thanks for all I have. I am fortunate to be able to live in a vibrant, exciting, culturall diverse city, go to a challenging, reputable school, and have loving friends and family.

This Thanksgiving evening, my friends and family are elsewhere. I sit here, alone, in front of my computer in an empty apartment. There is no sound other than that of a passing street cars and the click of the keyboard as I type.
I give thanks for this solitude.

In my solitude, I am not distracted by the fragments of my existence, but I am able to take the time to search my mind and soul and consider my life as a whole. Complete. I can concentrate on my school work and acknowledge how fortunate I am to be passionate about what I am learning and appreciate how fortunate I am to have the opportunity to study at such a great school. I am able to remember the love of my family out West and the Thanksgiving Dinners I had growing up. I think of my family here, my roomates, and the silence that is representative of their absense. They will be home again.

This solitude is only temporary. I am able to be thankful for that too...

I think that only when everything is taken away can you really see it for what it is. It is times like this, times of solitude and reflection, that I am able to see my life for what it is.
It is times like this that I can truly be thankful for what I have.

I give Thanks.

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