Monday, September 03, 2007

I Know Where I Belong

I know where I belong. And it isn't here. I no longer belong in this place. This place I once called home.

It has been ten days since I left Toronto. Ten days of meeting old friends for drinks and living in my parents basement. I know these faces, I know these walls, almost better than I know anything else. Or at least I know them in memory.

We are different now. Things have changed as things do. We still share a bond, something special that is a part of my present because it is entrenched in my past. Yet the past is past, and I've grown so much since when we went separate ways.
The love is still in my memory, still in my heart...

I am different now. I know where I come from now that I have left. But I have left. I no longer belong here. I belong in Toronto.

I belong home.

1 comment:

artsmonkey said...

it's weird when old home is no longer home. and it's so clear.