Friday, March 21, 2008

I Feel. You Feel.

You feel things, often beyond your control. Why would we choose sadness if we could choose to feel happy? (I Don't Do Sadness - Or I wouldn't if I could choose not to...) To feel is inevitable: The beauty of an integral experience of being human.

I feel things, often extreme things. Such extreme feelings loose their potency quickly. In retrospect, extreme feelings seem irrational and unreasonably silly. But those feelings were true. Those feelings were provoked by real circumstance. Those feelings were not drama. Or at least not for me.

So I must claim ownership over what I feel. I will not be ashamed, no matter how irrational or unreasonably silly. I will not be ashamed, I will claim ownership and responsibility, but how can I deal with extreme feelings? Is it enough just to let time pass?

1 comment:

garrett n. said...

What else can one do?


To be great, be whole: don't exaggerate
Or leave out any part of you.
Be complete in each thing. Put all you are
Into the least of your acts.
So too in each lake, with its lofty life,
The whole moon shines.

Ricardo Reis/Fernando Pessoa, 1933