Thursday, November 10, 2005

Happiness is... Lessons Learned from a Musical About Charlie Brown

"Look! I've found a pencil. That little red-headed girl that I like dropped it. It has teeth marks on it. She chews her pencil! She's human. I guess is hasn't been a bad day after all.
(singing) Happiness is finding a pencil"
-from "You're A Good Man Charlie Brown" by Clark Gesner (1963)

Yes, Happiness can be derrived from things. From stuff. Physical inanimate objects can be the source of joy DAMN IT!. This is true for me.

I am happy.
Because I am now the proud father of a new iPod nano.
Because my sleek cell phone has polyphonic ring tones.
Because I purchased a new outfit from the sale rack at the GAP.

In our current culture, we are constantly bombarded with the ethics of finding happiness only through meaningful relationships or experiences.
I do not disagree with the importance being able to find happiness in those admirable ethereal things, but I think it is also human, and therefore beautiful, to be able to find happiness in those other things. The things we can buy.
Those shining new things.
Those new things that make us look cooler and more stylish.
Those things that are frivolous and luxurious.

Being happy is not a crime. You Will Not Make Me Feel Guilty!

Happiness is buying an iPod...
new funky ring tones...
a sale at the GAP...


nk said...

I am feeling like buying stuff, too. Oh my. I love buying things.

Anonymous said...

I always thought happiness is a warm gun.

Anonymous said...

Hi bedroomprince
Is this stuff really worth it? nexus pheromones

Electronsean said...

dude. your buddies are all about the polyphonic ringtones. also, speaking of your buddies, there is a girl who is beautiful that is from cobourg. i hate it when i remember people and they dont remember me, though, i do undertand that i was in the pit orchestra and she was onstage.

bedroomprince said...

Her name is Lindsay Tapscott