Thursday, June 08, 2006

The European Experience # 46

I buy groceries. I sleep in a room with five other people. I spent most of my time alone. I do not speak the national language. I rarely eat fast food. I am unshaven. I go to Tourist destinations. I have no place to be at any particular time.

I will not attempt to capture what is foreign about this place in mere words. I do not believe I am entitled to reduce a whole nation of people and their culture into a mere blog post. Nor will I bore you with the inane little details that are slightly different here than where I come from.

What I can tell you is that here,

my life is foreign.

It is not like my life at home.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

there your life is foreign - at home it is not

it is not like your life at home but isn't it great to be experiencing something other than what you know?

come to yvr and experience life here again! :) in my new house! (new is relative - 3 months ago I moved in!)