Monday, June 12, 2006

The European Experience # 50

It has been an awful day. Maybe the worst day of my life (but I am always wary of such grand over-arcing statements)

I call my mother.

I cry.

A mother's love is universal.


Jordan Velestuk said...

What happened?

bedroomprince said...

Missed flights. YES MORE THAN ONE FLIGHT. Late buses. Wrong trains. HOT HOT HOT. No food. Spend too much money. BAH!

The ArtofBeingMe said...

that makes me wanna cry. Unconditional motherly love is the kind of love I seek to gain from everywhere/everyone else. but it's impossible. and that makes it even more special.

Anonymous said...

moms have the wonderful power to say "everything is ok," and, even if it's kinda not, it is ok because your mom said so.