Monday, January 23, 2006

Stream of Conciousness

I am procrastinating.
(Why does boredom always accompany procrastination?)

Maybe I should sleep. It is One AM!

I'm not tired.

Pride and Prejudice is feeling abandoned laying on my bed.
"You will be read in due time. You MUST be read. Just please not now!"
Oh, this emotional conflict energizes me. I figure that's bad news. I continue to feel betrayed and dismissed by my ex. I express my frustration to him most everytime we communicate. By continually bringing up this contentious point, I am able to provoke some reaction out of him. He still wants to talk to me, despite how I irk him consistently, so he must still care. Maybe if he would just shower me with his love through emails, phone calls, postcards, and sweet nothings, I would feel the need to provoke these less than positive reactions out of him. He claims he loves me, but a lover does not leave his loved one. Does he?

(If only Queen Video was still open...)

There are things to be done. Homework. Cleaning. Homework.
I need to edit my play. I think I fear it. I think it has the potential to be a really great piece of theatre, but I fear I do not have the capacity as a writer to reach this potential. I should try, and if I fail, just not tell anyone. That isn't my style though. I'm not that guy (I love saying that). I make art to communicate. I make art to share. I make art to bring me closer to this world. FUCK! I need to edit that play.

I like to make lists. It helps me feel good about getting things done.
Oh! The Satisfaction of Crossing Out an Item on My TO DO LIST.
OH! THE SATISFACTION OF A COMPLETELY CROSSED OUT TO DO LIST! I have made my list of things to do (complete with a schedule in which I have give time to do these things) already. That is usually my prime source of procrastination. NOW WHAT?

Love is born of idleness.

My love is in Korea.


I would murder nothing but my love. Then make the time to be idle in order that my love would be born anew from a different divine conception of a man.
I indulge him too much.
Pride and Prejudice is more important. At least Pride and Prejudice is here with me lying in my bed.
I would rather not spend my time with you at this moment, but something is better than nothing. And the sooner I finish you, the sooner I cross you off my TO DO List!

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