Tuesday, August 02, 2005

This is Not Necessary

There was a note on a automatic sliding door.
"CAUTION: Sliding Door."

Why caution for a sliding door?
It slides from side to side. It is difficult to get hit by it.
It's automatic so it is difficult to run into it.
If you were to run into it, it would be like running into a window.
Why no "CAUTION: Window"'s then?
Regular doors are more dangerous. It is very easy to get smacked by a regular door.
Why no" CAUTION: Regular Door"'S then?

Maybe it is cautioning stopping have way through and getting shmucked by the closing doors. Would the sensors know you are there?
You would have to be pretty stupid for that to happen though.

I just think it's excessive.
The only thing more excessive than that is me blogging about it.

Ignore this blog!

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