Monday, April 17, 2006

A Weekend in the City

A card falls into the book I am reading on the subway. I look up to see who has dropped up only to watch a young man scurry off the train and up the stairs from the platform. "You're really attractive. I would like to take you for a coffee sometime - no expectations, just conversation" the card reads on the back side. The front shows the name Arthur and a phone number with an email address.
I eventually call him and we go for several dates. He is cute, but not my type, despite having studied English at univeristy and currently working in publishing. I tell him that he won't work out and we remain the most casual of friends.
Today I received an email from him titled "Boyfriend for a Week". Arthur is house sitting for a couple of lesbians at a posh house in the trendy Queen West neighbourhood near the very popular stylish Gladstone Hotel. I am invited to spend the week with him in a house we'd treat as a hotel of sorts. He casually alludes to his attraction to me (he calls me cute as hell!) and he mentions our one night of sexual intmatacy. He confesses to be more than interested in my conversation.
To have a holiday in your own city is an enticing domestic adventure. To escape the responsibilities and routine of your own home would be a welcome respite. Yet, the (in)decent proposal on the table comes with certain conditions, even if they are subtly implicit.
What to do...
What to do...


skinny-rabbit said...

Do it. If he has any expectations it's his own fault, because you've already told him you're just not that into him. It's play time for bedroomprince!

Jordan Velestuk said...

It sounds boring. Study for exams. Live your life, not his.

Anonymous said...

I say go for it :) meh whatever it's not like it adds to your list of guys - he's one of the repeats- and they're fun sometimes!

Make it clear that it's a secret holiday rendez-vous - nothing more!!!:)

I dunno what I'm saying - I just wish I got e-mails like that *sigh* gyvr

artsmonkey said...

go with your gut.... it's kind of like being offered money for someone to go down on you... in theory it sounds great, but you just don't want to be that big of a whore.

Warrior Princesse Alathariel said...

you can stay at my house for a week but you don't haved to be my boyfriend. just my friend. who takes out the garbage. And you're not allowed to sleep with my actual boyfriend.