Sunday, February 05, 2006

Buddies, but not with Beyonce Knowles (a.k.a. Drunk Post #3)

I was invited to a party that Ms. Beyonces Knowles would be attended this evening.
I had already made plans with a Fabulous, Stylish, Beautiful Pair of Lovely Ladies. I could not refuse them. I could not object to a guaranteed stellar time with two beautiful intelligent women at a consistently amusing night club.
We went. We danced. We were fabulous.
They left early because one of the pair needed to work early the following morning.
After the pair of lovely ladies were left, I continued to flirt. By the end of the night I had fooled around with five possible lovers, and acted upon the advances of two of these potential lovers.
Making Out is satisfying only itself only on the dance floor. If it were in any other local, I would want to pursue things right to the (my) end.
The night is coming to a close. It is time to rest my eyes. I can do so with a smile and dream of the romantic consequences of an ideal evening.

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