Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Show Someone You Care

Our world is too convenient. Between Cell Phones, Email, and Online chatting we can connect to each other with such immediacy. I concurr that this convenience at times can make life easier, but, at the same time, we are taking our relationships for granted.
Would we chat to our dear friends from our hometown if it wasn't for MSN? Or would we just forget about them because we don't have the time to write a letter? If it were not for cell phones, would we just give up trying to get a hold of an old colleague or high school buddy?
Because all these convenient methods of communication are right at our finger tips, an effort to go beyond what is immediately available shows signs of caring. I am guilty of having relationships with people, that, over time have become indifferent, but I maintain them simply because of their convenience. Taking the time to actually call someone from the quiet of your own home instead of on the way somewhere on a busy street on your cell phone when it is difficult to concentrate, or writing a well thought out email instead of gabbing on MSN shows that you are willing to go beyond what is easy, and take the time and effort to go out of your way for someone whom you care about.
It is always best to actually spend the time with someone together, not merely talking using cell phones or MSN. But when that is not an available option, effort is always a welcome sign to let you know that you care.
Take your time, you thoughts, your effort to go out of your way to show someone you care. Don't take them for granted!

1 comment:

bedroomprince said...

Well said, because I took the effort to say it?